Cathy Corby enseigne l’anglais depuis plus de 20 ans sur la Côte d’Azur. D’un naturel dynamique et enjoué, elle ne laisse pas indifférent et sait charmer tous les types d’étudiants : des enfants préparant un concours d’entrée en école internationale aux adultes professionnels exigeants.
Drôle, souriante et charismatique, elle est unique et So British !

Why did you choose to become a teacher ?
I believe that teaching is one of the most important professions ; transforming the lives of their students in their future careers.
What interests you most in your job ?
All my students are different, so I adapt to each of them individually. This is why teaching is a passion for me.
How did you adapt your methods during the pandemic ?
It took a while for me to adapt my lessons online. It is a completely different way of teaching; which has both advantages, and disadvantages.
What are your passions, your hobbies ?
I love sport ; so the gyms being closed has been difficult for me. I also am interested in anything creative : art, music, theatre…
Questionnaire de Proust – Confessions
- Your chief characteristic : Hopefully, my personality ! I try to make my students feel at ease, from the first lesson.
- What you appreciate the most in your friends : Their complete loyalty.
- Your main fault : Not being more computer literate. But I am trying to improve.
- Your favourite occupation : Spending quality time with people I care for.
- Your idea of happiness : Walking by the sea, with snow on the Alps, the sun reflecting on the sea. And meeting friends for an apéro in a bar 😁
- If not yourself, who would you be ? : That’s such a difficult question… but I think I’d choose Meryl Streep. She’s an amazingly talented actress.
- Where would you like to live ? : Here, in the South of France. But it would be nice to have a boat, so I could sail to warmer countries in the winter.
- Your favourite authors : JRR Martin and JK Rowling.
- Your heroes in real life : The Queen. Mothe Theresa. Nelson Mandela.
- What I hate most : Easy ! People who move to France, yet make no effort at all to learn French, eat English food and make zero effort to integrate.
- The natural talent I’d like to be gifted with : Being a better artist. I’m OK, but I envy those with more talent.
- Your motto : The only person you can change, is yourself.